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Occupational pension – an important part of your pension
The Swedish pension system consists of three parts:
- national public pension from Swedish Pension Agency
- occupational pension from your work
- own savings.
The size of the different part of your future pension is individual.
The occupational pension can be a large part of your total pension. The occupational pension agreement for those working for the State is good in comparison to other agreements on the Swedish labour market.
On you can easily check your Swedish pension.
How much is paid into your pension?
If you want to see how much money you earn every month to your national public pension and your occupational pension, you can use this site (in Swedish).
See how much is paid in each month to pension (
About your occupational pension
You can login to Mina sidor to see the different parts of your occupational pension, the value and how they function. Mina sidor is only available in Swedish.
Login (Logga in) to Mina sidor at and check your occupational pension
There are two sections in the collective agreement for occupational pension. Generally, you belong to section 1 if you are born 1988 or later and section 2 if you are born before 1988.
- Understand your occupational pension – Section 2 at
Understand your occupational pension – Section 1 at spv.seMove abroad
If you move from Sweden there are some things to consider.
Report your new address
If you move abroad you need to report your new address to the Swedish Tax Agency. The address is then shared with to other state agencies, councils and regions.
Report your new address at the Swedish Tax Agency website
When you live abroad and receive your pension
If you live abroad and your pension is paid out you need to annually send in a life certificate to SPV or the Swedish Pension Agency. A life certificate is a document that shows that the person living abroad is still alive.
Life events that can change your occupational pension
Sometimes events in your life could change your occupational pension. For example, that could be when you start or end your employment, have new family relations or reduce working hours before retiring.
Read more about life events that can affect your occupational pension at
Time to retire
When you have decided to retire there are some things that you need to consider. At there is information for you when you plan to retire.
You can also see forecasts om and consider how you want to withdraw the different parts of your pension.
How to apply
You need to apply for your pension to get payments. Since you have different parts of your pension, you have to do more than one application.
- National Public Pension. Apply at the Swedish Pension Agency.
- Your occupational pension from your state employment. Log in to to see your parts and how to apply for them.
- Occupational pension from other employments. Find out if you have other occupational pensions and how you apply for them.
On you can read more about how you apply for your occupational pension from state employment.
Webinars about pension
SPV broadcasts regularly free webinars about occupational pension. They are conducted by pension experts and there is opportunity to ask questions in chat.
If you become long-term sick
When you are employed by the state and receive sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning from Försäkringskassan you may have the right to additional benefits from SPV. This benefit is called sick pension.
Read more at about what happens if you become sick
If you get an occupational injury
If you are injured at work you can receive money from Afa försäkring.
If you should pass away
When you are employed by the state you have benefits for your family if you should pass away, this would be survivors’ pension and group life insurance. You could also have repayment cover for parts of your occupational pension, which means that your family will receive your pension if you pass away.
Read more about what your family could receive if you pass away at
If you have any questions about your occupational pension, you are welcome to contact SPV.
Do you have questions about your national public pension, you can contact the Swedish Pension Agency.
If you have questions regarding your national public pension please contact the Swedish Pension Agency at: 0771-776 776 or read more at If you call from abroad please call: +46 498 200 700.
PA 16 occupational pensions agreement
Your occupational pension is covered by collective agreement. This means that the occupational pension has been negotiated by the union organizations in the State branch (OFR/S, OFR/P, OFR/O; Saco-S; SEKO) together with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers.
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