Additional payments to your occupational pension

You have an possibility for additional payments to your occupational pension through an agreement with your employer. You can also receive additional payments if your employer and unions at your workplace sign a local collective agreement.

Agreement with your employer regarding additional payments to occupational pension 

You can reach an agreement with your employer regarding additional payments to your occupational pension. That could for example be that you forfeit part of your salary or saved vacation days and that would then be sent in as additional payments to your occupational pension. 

The additional payment would then be sent to the selectable part of your occupational pension, to the insurer of your choice. If you have not made an active choice the money is placed with Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund the pension insurance will then be called Kåpan Valbar. 

Contact your employer if you questions regarding reaching an agreement for additional payments to the occupational pension. 

Local collective agreement regarding additional payments

Your employer and unions at your workplace has the possibility to reach an agreement regarding additional payments for a group of employees or all employees. If so the additonal payments will be made to Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fundto either Kåpan Extra or Kåpan Flex depending which section of the PA16 you belong to. 

  • If you belong to section1 (born 1988 or later)  the payment will be made to Kåpan Flex
  • If you belong to section 2 (born before 1988) the payment will be be made to Kåpan Extra

Contact your employer if you questions regarding local collective agreement regarding additional payments to the occupational pension.