If you become sick

In most cases your employer will continue to pay in to your occupational pension if you become sick. If you become long-term ill you could have right to additional payments from us. This is called sick pension.

This is how you earn into the occupational pension if your sick

Depending on which year you were born, which section you belong to, you have different parts that could be affected. 

Born before 1988 - Section 2 

You will keep on earning into the different parts of your occupational pension when you are sick. If you have a salary being paid out while sick you will earn into Kåpan Flex.

Born 1988 or later - Section 1

You will keep on earning into your selectable part and to Kåpan Tjänste. If you have a salary being paid out while sick you will earn into Kåpan Flex.

If you become long-term sick

If you become long-term sick and cannot work full time, there is a form of security in your government employment which means that you could receive payments from us. This is called sick pension. 

When could you receive sick pension?

  • You could receive sick pension if you're a government employee and receive so-called "sjukersättning" or "aktivitetsersättning" from Försäkringskassan. 
  • If you end your state employment and become ill within three months and later receive sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning you could receive sick pension. This is called after-protection. The after-protection is only valid if you have not received a new employment where you have a similar protection. 
  • To receive sick pension you need to have a form of compensation from Försäkringskassan because of sickness uninterrupted until the time you receive a decision regarding sjukersättning. 

As long as you only have so-called "sjukpenning" from Försäkringskassan you cannot receive sick pension. 

For information regarding sjukersättning, aktivitetsersättning or sjukpenning please see Försäkringskassans website (in Swedish)

The sick pension is dependent on your salary

If you have full sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning your sick pension would be about 15 per cent of your salary. The salary used when we calculate your sick pension is called pensionable salary. Simply put this is the average of your salary the last five whole years. If you have a salary that is higher than 35 812 SEK per month your monthly sick pension will be higher. 

If Försäkringskassan decreases or increases your sjukersättning or aktvitetsersättning, we will decrease or increase the sick pension in the same percentages. If you receive an occupational injury annuity it could also mean that your sick pension from us decreases. 

Petra has received full sjukersättning from Försäkringskassan. To calculate the sick pension we use an average of the five latest annual salaries. Her average annual salary is 300 000 SEK. She will receive 15 per cent in sick pension from SPV. That would be 45 000 SEK.

This is then calculated in the following way: 

300 000 x 0,15 = 45 000 SEK

45 000 SEK / 12 months = 3 750 SEK per month

Since Petra will get the sick pension paid out in 2024 we need to update the amount by securing using the price base amount: 

3 750 x (58 800 / 57 300) = 3 848 SEK

In total Petra will receive 3 848 SEK per month in sick pension. 

If Petra would receive half sjukersättning from Försäkringskassan she would receive half sick pension from us. That amount would then be 1 924 SEK per month. 

Alihas received full sjukersättning from Försäkringskassan. To calculate the sick pension we use an average of the five latest annual salaries. His average annual salary is 480 000 SEK. He will receive 15 per cent in sick pension from SPV for the part of his salary that is below 429 750 SEK (7,5 price base amounts 2024). He will receive an additional 75 per cent for the part of his salary that is above 7,5 income base amounts, meaning 50 250 SEK  (480 000 – 429 750). 

This is then calculated in the following way: 

393 750 SEK x 0,15 = 59 063 SEK

50 250 SEK x 0,75 = 37 688 SEK

59 063 + 37 688 = 102 150 SEK

102 150 SEK / 12 months = 8 512 SEK per month

Since Ali will get the sick pension paid out in 2024 we need to update the amount by securing using the price base amount: 

10 313 x (58 800 / 57 300) = 8 512 SEK

In total Ali will receive 8 512 SEK per month in sick pension. 

If Ali would receive half sjukersättning from Försäkringskassan he would receive half sick pension from us. That amount would then be 4 367 SEK per month. 

How to apply for sick pension

  1. Contact your employer. It is your employer that fills in the application and send in the application for sick pension to us. 
  2. You need send the decision regarding sjukersättning or aktivitetsersättning to your employer. Your employer need to send us a copy of the decision together with the application. 

If you have ended your state employment and become ill within three months please contact our Customer Service for more information. 

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