Agreement regarding changing to Section 1
If you are born before 1988 you belong to Section 2 in the PA 16 occupational pensions agreement. Under certain conditions you can come to an agreement with your employer about belonging to Section 1 in the PA 16 occupational pensions agreement instead of Section 2.
If you are covered by the pensions agreement in the State sector, you can come to an agreement with your employer about belonging to Section 1 in the PA 16 occupational pensions agreement instead of Section 2 under certain conditions. The agreement must be in writing and you cannot switch back.
Order a form and informational leaflet to belong to Selection 1
You can order a form to belong to Section 1 from our Customer Service.
Both you and your employer must sign the form. You can at the earliest belong to Selection 1 in the month after the form has been registered by us at SPV.
Do you have questions?
If you have questions about belonging to Section 1 instead of Section 2, please contact your employer.