The selectable part – born in 1988 or later

Each month, your employer pays money into the selectable part of your occupational pension. You can choose how the money is managed. Your employer pays money into the selectable part from the first day of your government employment, and at the longest until you turn 69 years.

This is how much your employer pays in to this part

Your employer pays money equivalent to 2,5 percent of your salary up to 50 375 SEK a month. If your salary is higher, your employer pays in an additional 20 percent of your salary from 50 376 SEK and up.

Example: This is how much your employer pays

Annika earns 52 000 SEK a month. Her employer pays the equivalent of 2,5 percent of her wages up to 50 375 SEK and 20 percent of her wages from 50 376 to 52 000 SEK (1 625 SEK).

50 375 * 0,025 = 1 259 SEK
1 625 * 0,20 = 325 SEK

Total: Annika's employer pays 1 259 + 325 = 1 584SEK each month into Annika's selectable part.

The amount of 50 375 SEK is the sum of 7,5 income price base amount (divided by 12), which is what the calculation is based on.

As a new employee

When entering into government employment, you select how this part is managed. You only need to select if you wish to. If you do not make your own selection, the money is placed into a traditional insurance without repayment cover with Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund called Kåpan Valbar. If you wish to change your selection, you may do so.

You can choose if you want to

The money in your selectable part you can choose who should manage if you wish. To make a choice you can either login to Mina sidor at (in Swedish) or use the form below. 

Mina sidor at (in Swedish)

Make your choice for the selectable part (pdf-file, opens i a new window)

These are the choices 

Type of savings

You should choose between traditional insurance or unit-linked insurance. If you choose traditional insurance the insurer chooses how your money is invested. If you wish to choose how your should be invested you can choose unit-linked insurance. Choose which ever fits you the best.

Traditional insurance

With traditional insurance it is the insurer that determines how your money is placed and managed. The insurer places the money in e.g. interest-bearing securities, shares and real estate properties and takes care of the administration. You always have a guaranteed pension. The guarantee differs between various insurers. It can involve e.g. a guarantee that promises you will get back your deposited money when you retire. If the insurer manages the money better than what they promised in the guarantee, you can get bonuses, that is to say that you would receive a higher pension than the guaranteed pension.

Unit-linked insurance

With unit-linked insurance you decide how your money should be placed by selecting one or more funds. Money placed in funds can both decrease and increase in value, and therefore, no pension is guaranteed. This means that you might recieve less money than you have deposited into the funds, however should the market be doing well your money can increase in value. If you select an insurer that offers unit-linked insurances, your money is firstly places in a so-called entry solution. The insurer you have selected then contacts you so you can choose between the funds which the insurance company offers.


You can select the insurance companies that are connected to collective agreement PA 16.

Traditional insurances

  • Alecta
  • AMF
  • Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund


Unit-linked insurances

  • AMF
  • Futur
  • Handelsbanken
  • Länsförsäkringar
  • SEB
  • Swedbank

Repayment cover

Repayment cover means that your family members receive your pension in the case of your death. It is your wife, husband, partner firstly and your children secondly that will recieve the pension. You can also chooce your previous wife, husband, partner or children to any of these as beneficiaries of the pension. If you choose to place a repayment cover on your insurance your own pension will be lower as you do not receive inheritance gain.

You can change your mind and add the repayment cover later. The rules to add repayment cover later can vary between different insurers. To change repayment cover contact your insurer.

Remember that you, via your employment, have a financial protection in the form of survivor's pension and service group life insurance for your survivors.

If you want to move your money

If you want to, you can move your money from one insurer to another, or to another form of savings with the same insurer. To move your money please contact our Customer Service.

Contact us

If your government employment ends

If your government employment ends, your employer will stop paying in money to the selectable portion. The money you have earned, however, will remain with the insurer managing your money until it is time for you to retire.

You can withdraw the pension at the earliest when you reach the age of retirement in Sweden

The money is paid out every month for as long as you live. To start taking out your money, you contact the insurer that is managing it. If you have not made a selection, your money is with Kåpan Tjänstepension; contact them to start taking out your money. If you have not started taking out your pension within three years of turning 69, you money will be paid out to you automatically.

Right to receive information regarding the insurances you have as a part of your occupational pension

You have the right to receive information regarding the insurances you have as a part of your occupational pension. See below for examples of information: 

  • Information regarding cost and fees connected to the insurance
  • Which government authority is the regulatory agency
  • Which possibilities you have to present complaints regarding the insurance company.

For more information contact the insurance company of your choice

The selectable part in brief

  • You can choose which insurer will manage your money.
  • If you do not make your own choice, the money is placed into a traditional insurance scheme without repayment protection with the insurer Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund (Kåpan Valbar).
  • The selectable portion is sometimes also called Ålderspension valbar.
  • It can be paid out starting from when you turn 63.

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