Born before 1988 – Section 2
Your employer pays into your occupational pension each month. It could be several thousands each month. Through your employment you have a safety net that in the event of your death pays out money to your family. You might also have the right to a sickness pension in the event that you should become long term ill.
Your money is placed in different parts
The occupational pension consists of different parts. You may have the right to different parts, if you belong to section 2 of the collective agreement PA16.
The selectable part
Your employer pays money equivalent to 2,5 percent of your salary into this part. You can choose how the money should be managed by selecting on a form, selecting savings and insurer. You do not have to make a selection if you do not wish. If you do not make a choice, the money is placed in a traditional insurance without repayment cover managed by Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund. That insurance would be called Kåpan Valbar.
Kåpan Tjänste
Your employer pays money equivalent to 2 percent of your salary into the pension insurance Kåpan Tjänste. The insurer Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund manages this part. You cannot choose another insurer for this part.
Kåpan Flex
- If you were born before 1966 and have not had or have part-time pension, your employer pays money equivalent to 0,5 percent of your paid out salary into the pension insurance Kåpan Flex.
- If you were born 1966 or later, your employer pays money equivalent to 1,5 percent of your paid out salary into the pension insurance Kåpan Flex.
- The insurer Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund manages this part. You cannot choose another insurer for this part.
Defined benefit retirement pension
- If you were born before 1973, you also earn into a defined benefit retirement pension.
- If you were born 1973 or later and have an annual pensionable salary over 604 500 SEK (7,5 income base amounts) you will also earn into a defined benefit retirement pension. Simplified the pensionable salary is the average of your pensionable based annual salaries from the five latest years. If you have not been employed for a full five year period the pensionable salary is calculated on the pensionable based salaries you have had so far.
- The size of this part is determined by your salary, how many years you have been employed, and what year you were born.
You are insured through your employment
You are insured through your government employment. This means you could receive a sick pension if you become long term ill. In addition, your family could receive money if you pass away.
Your occupational pension is covered by collective agreement
Your occupational pension is covered by collective agreement. This means that the occupational pension has been negotiated by the union organizations in the State branch (OFR/S, OFR/P, OFR/O; Saco-S; SEKO) together with the Swedish Agency for Government Employers.
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