Kåpan Tjänste - Born before 1988

Each month your employer pays into Kåpan Tjänste. This part of your pension is managed by Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund.

This is how much your employer pays in to this part

Your employer pays money equivalent to 2 percent of your salary into the pension insurance Kåpan Tjänste. You earn in to this part until 69 years of age. The insurer Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund manages this part. You cannot choose another insurer for this part. 

Paulo earns 41 000 SEK per month. His employer pays the equivalent of 2 percent to Kåpan Tjänste.

 41 000 * 0,02 =  820 SEK

Total: Paulo's employer pays 820 SEK a month into Kåpan Tjänste.

Your money is managed by Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund

The money that your employer pays is placed in a traditional insurance called Kåpan Tjänste with a guaranteed interest, managed by Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund. The insurance is by default without a repayment cover. You can if you wish, choose to add repayment cover. To change repayment cover contact Kåpan Tjänstepension.

Read more about Kåpan Tjänste on Kåpans website

If your employment ends

If your employment within the government sector ends, your employer stops paying pension into Kåpan Tjänste for you. Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund will continue to manage the money until you retire and start to withdraw the pension.

If you are born before 1966 you can earliest start to take out Kåpan Tjänste  from the month you turn 61 years. If you are born 1966 to 1987 you can earliest start to take out Kåpan Tjänste from the month you turn 63 years.

You have the right to receive information regarding the insurances you have as a part of your occupational pension. See below for examples of information: 

  • Information regarding cost and fees connected to the insurance
  • Which government authority is the regulatory agency
  • Which possibilities you have to present complaints regarding the insurance company.

Read more about Kåpan Tjänste at kapan.se