Your family could receive money when you pass away. There are different rules depending on when you ended your employment.
If you ended your employment 2003 or later
If you have ended your employment 2003 or later your family could have right to receive money when you pass away. The money could come from different sources.
If you pass away while retired
Repayment cover - an optional part of occupational pension
Repayment cover means that your family can receive money if you pass away. The amount is dependent on the money in these parts. The parts of your occupational pension that you could have repayment cover is the selectable part and insurances with Kåpan Government Employees Pension Fund (Kåpan Tjänste, Kåpan Extra and Kåpan Flex).
If you wish to change the repayment cover this needs to be done directly with the insurer of your choice for the selectable part. If unsure which insurer you have for the selectable part please see your annual statement from SPV or contact Customer Service to receive information.
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About repayment cover on Kåpan Pensioners website
Add repayment cover
You can always add repayment cover for future premiums. You can also add repayment cover with one year of having had a child, beoming a co-habitating partner or gotten married for all your insurances. If you pass a health declaration with the insurer you can also add repayment cover on all the money. When you start your first government employment and receive a new pension insurance you have six months to add repayment cover. Your pension will be lower with repayment cover.
Remove repayment cover
You can remove the repayment cover as long as your insurance have not yet been paid out. If you are live alone and do not have children you do not need repayment cover. If you chose not to have repayment cover your own pension will be larger.
Who willl receive your money if you pass away
If you have repayment cover the money will be paid out firstly to your spouse, registered partner or cohabitant and if you have none your children will instead receive the money.
You can change who will receive or how they should be divided. For this a written specific beneficiary clause needs to be filed with your insurer. In a specific beneficiary clause you can also choose that your former spouse, registered partner, cohabiter or childer and foster children to former spouse, registered partner or cohabitant.
If your average salary for the years 1997-2001 while in state employment was over 282 750 SEK your family could be entitled to money when you pass away. This is called Supplementary survivors pension, Kompletterande efterlevandefribrev in Swedish.
Supplementary survivors pension pays out to your spouse or cohabiter and your children. For cohabiter to receive payment you need to have children together. If you and your cohabiter do not have any children together you need to have previously been married for your cohabitant to receive money.
Supplementary survivors pension is a life-long monthly payment or for children until the month they become twenty years.
If you pass away after you've ended your state employment there could be payment from the group life insurance. That would be for example if you directly after the employment has ended became unemployed or sick.
If you pass away within three months of ending your state employment there could be certain protection for your family. This is called after protection. After protection is only valid if you have not received a new employment with similiar protection. If you wish to receive more information please contact our Customer Service.
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If you ended your employment before 2003
If you ended your employment before 2003 your family can have receive money if you pass away. This is called supplementary survivors annuity. If your family receive money or not depends on your salary when your employment ended. If you wish to receive more information please contact our Customer Service.
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Your survivors can apply for financial aid if they live under severe financial hardship
If your survivors are under severe financial harship they can apply for financial aid from one of the three trust s that SPV administers.
If you want more information please contact our Customer Service.
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